At-rest and PersistentVolume encryption with an external KMS

1. Overview

The intent of this guide is to detail the steps and commands necessary to configure OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) 4.9 to enable the use of an HashiCorp Vault instance for storing the at-rest or PersistentVolume encryption keys.

The necessary components are one OCP 4.9 (or greater) clusters and the OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) operator installed with version 4.9 (or greater).

Encryption at rest can be used to provide protection against the following threats:

  1. Cluster wide encryption to protect the organization against device theft (all server or single device)

  2. PV level encryption to guarantee isolation and confidentiality between tenants (applications).

  3. Combined PV level encryption on top of cluster-wide encryption to offer both protections above at the same time

Starting April 2021, OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) has been rebranded to OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF).

The deployment will follow these high-level steps:

  1. Deploy HashiCorp Vault.
    Deploy Hashicorp Vault inside of your cluster in a HA mode.

  2. Install ODF 4.9.
    With cluster-wide and PV-level encryption

  3. Create your Storage Cluster.
    Deploy your storage cluster pointing to HashiCorp Vault to provide cluster wide at-rest encryption.

  4. Deploy an application with PV encryption.
    Deploy your application by pointing to HashiCorp Vault to provide PersistentVolume granular at-rest encryption.

2. HashiCorp Vault deployment & configuration

2.1. Installation

Hashicorp recommends using the Helm chart to install Vault in Openshift. Their documentation is available here:

These steps mainly consists of adding their helm repo and installing it on your cluster.

Make sure you are logged in to your target cluster, then create your target namespace to deploy vault:

oc new-project vault
Example output
Now using project "vault" on server "".

You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:

    oc new-app rails-postgresql-example

to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:

    kubectl create deployment hello-node

Then install the Hashicorp helm repo

helm repo add hashicorp
Example output
"hashicorp" has been added to your repositories

And proceed to deploy a Production-ready HA Vault instance in your cluster

helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
                    --set='global.openshift=true' \
                    --set='server.ha.enabled=true' \
Example output
NAME: vault
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Mar  3 09:39:37 2022
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing HashiCorp Vault!

Now that you have deployed Vault, you should look over the docs on using
Vault with Kubernetes available here:

Your release is named vault. To learn more about the release, try:

  $ helm status vault
  $ helm get manifest vault

Now you should see 4 Pods starting to appear in the vault namespace. Let’s initialize the Vault. This will give us the Root Token and the unseal keys.

Make sure to save the output of the following command. If you lose the keys, you will not be able to recover your data.
oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator init
Example output
Unseal Key 1: +nJfbHXXXXXXXXX
Unseal Key 2: l+DUOmXXXXXXXXX
Unseal Key 4: wlDiQgXXXXXXXXX
Unseal Key 5: Get307XXXXXXXXX

Initial Root Token: s.t1yXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Vault initialized with 5 key shares and a key threshold of 3. Please securely
distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed,
restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 3 of these keys to unseal it
before it can start servicing requests.

Vault does not store the generated master key. Without at least 3 keys to
reconstruct the master key, Vault will remain permanently sealed!

It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of
existing unseal keys shares. See "vault operator rekey" for more information.

In order to use Vault, we will need to init and unseal each of the three Vault servers. We will do so in the next chapter

2.2. Starting HashiCorp Vault

By now you should see 4 Pods. Three of those Pods are Running, but not ready

NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
vault-0                                 0/1     Running   0          36m
vault-1                                 0/1     Running   0          112m
vault-2                                 0/1     Running   0          39m
vault-agent-injector-5bd747fdd6-dp24b   1/1     Running   0          37m

That is because we have not unsealed them yet. You will have to do this every time the Vault Pod is restarted. This includes OpenShift upgrades. During a rolling reboot, you will have to unseal each Vault as the nodes come back up or the upgrade is interrupted by Vault’s poddisruptionbudget.

Every time a Vault server is restarted, you will need to unseal it
It is possible to auto-unseal Vault during cluster reboots and upgrades. To learn how, check out the tutorials here:
This does not remove the need to manually unseal Vault once after the initialization.
oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator unseal
Example output
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key                Value
---                -----
Seal Type          shamir
Initialized        true
Sealed             true
Total Shares       5
Threshold          3
Unseal Progress    1/3
Unseal Nonce       cdfd99b7-5a21-4113-b0ef-c99b8417aac6
Version            1.9.2
Storage Type       raft
HA Enabled         true
Repeat the above until Sealed is marked as false!
oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator unseal
Example output
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key                     Value
---                     -----
Seal Type               shamir
Initialized             true
Sealed                  false
Total Shares            5
Threshold               3
Version                 1.9.2
Storage Type            raft
Cluster Name            vault-cluster-09d60b36
Cluster ID              145ec6b9-47ef-8aa7-aa3f-9a9d1ca40554
HA Enabled              true
HA Cluster              n/a
HA Mode                 standby
Active Node Address     <none>
Raft Committed Index    25
Raft Applied Index      25

Now proceed with the next Vault Pod and configure it to connect to the first Vault Pod

oc exec -ti vault-1 -- vault operator raft join http://vault-0.vault-internal:8200
Example output
Key       Value
---       -----
Joined    true

Then proceed with unsealing this Pod

oc exec -ti vault-1 -- vault operator unseal
Example output
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key                Value
---                -----
Seal Type          shamir
Initialized        true
Sealed             true
Total Shares       5
Threshold          3
Unseal Progress    1/3
Unseal Nonce       cdfd99b7-5a21-4113-b0ef-c99b8417aac6
Version            1.9.2
Storage Type       raft
HA Enabled         true
Repeat the above until Sealed is marked as false!
oc exec -ti vault-1 -- vault operator unseal
Example output
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key                     Value
---                     -----
Seal Type               shamir
Initialized             true
Sealed                  false
Total Shares            5
Threshold               3
Version                 1.9.2
Storage Type            raft
Cluster Name            vault-cluster-09d60b36
Cluster ID              145ec6b9-47ef-8aa7-aa3f-9a9d1ca40554
HA Enabled              true
HA Cluster              n/a
HA Mode                 standby
Active Node Address     <none>
Raft Committed Index    25
Raft Applied Index      25

Now proceed with the last Vault Pod and configure it to connect to the first Vault Pod

oc exec -ti vault-2 -- vault operator raft join http://vault-0.vault-internal:8200
Example output
Key       Value
---       -----
Joined    true

Then proceed with unsealing this Pod

oc exec -ti vault-2 -- vault operator unseal
Example output
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key                Value
---                -----
Seal Type          shamir
Initialized        true
Sealed             true
Total Shares       5
Threshold          3
Unseal Progress    1/3
Unseal Nonce       cdfd99b7-5a21-4113-b0ef-c99b8417aac6
Version            1.9.2
Storage Type       raft
HA Enabled         true
Repeat the above until Sealed is marked as false!
oc exec -ti vault-2 -- vault operator unseal
Example output
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key                     Value
---                     -----
Seal Type               shamir
Initialized             true
Sealed                  false
Total Shares            5
Threshold               3
Version                 1.9.2
Storage Type            raft
Cluster Name            vault-cluster-09d60b36
Cluster ID              145ec6b9-47ef-8aa7-aa3f-9a9d1ca40554
HA Enabled              true
HA Cluster              n/a
HA Mode                 standby
Active Node Address     <none>
Raft Committed Index    25
Raft Applied Index      25

2.3. Create dedicated KV store

Create a dedicated key-value store engine as a receptacle for the ODF keys as they get generated during the deployment of an OSD. Together with the key-value store, create a dedicated security policy and a specific security token to be used by ODF to interact with the vault.

Execute the below commands inside of one of the Vault Pods

oc exec -ti vault-0 -n vault -- sh

Login to the Vault instance. Use the Vault Root Token that you created with the unseal keys above.

vault login
Example output
Token (will be hidden):
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                s.t1yyXXXXXXXX
token_accessor       qLxxdspcAYQoOnQsgquC6PY2
token_duration       ∞
token_renewable      false
token_policies       ["root"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["root"]

Create the Key-Value store for OCS encryption keys

vault secrets enable -path=ocs kv-v2
Example output
Success! Enabled the kv-v2 secrets engine at: ocs/

Write a policy that enables ocs users to use that Key-Value store

echo '
  path "ocs/*" {
    capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
  path "sys/mounts" {
  capabilities = ["read"]
  }'| vault policy write ocs -
Example output
Success! Uploaded policy: ocs

Create a token to access this Key-Value store

vault token create -policy=ocs -format json
Example output
  "request_id": "dac47681-922e-281a-22c4-7d3964830abc",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": null,
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": {
    "client_token": "s.KZxO1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "accessor": "ZyMMUquPez3Rps4whPLbvoNn",
    "policies": [
    "token_policies": [
    "identity_policies": null,
    "metadata": null,
    "orphan": false,
    "entity_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 2764800,
    "renewable": true
At this point your Vault configuration is ready to be used by ODF

3. Cluster-wide at-rest encryption

In this section you will be using an OCP cluster to deploy ODF 4.9 using OperatorHub. The following will be installed:

  • The ODF Operator

  • The ODF storage cluster (Ceph Pods, NooBaa Pods, StorageClasses)

3.1. Deploy ODF operator

Navigate to the OperatorsOperatorHub menu.

OCP OperatorHub
Figure 1. OCP OperatorHub

Now type openshift container storage in the Filter by keyword…​ box.

OCP OperatorHub Filter
Figure 2. OCP OperatorHub filter on OpenShift Container Storage Operator

Select OpenShift Container Storage Operator and then select Install.

OCP OperatorHub Install
Figure 3. OCP OperatorHub Install OpenShift Container Storage

On the next screen make sure the settings are as shown in this figure.

OCP OperatorHub Subscribe
Figure 4. OCP Subscribe to OpenShift Container Storage

Click Install.

Now you can go back to your terminal window to check the progress of the installation.

watch oc -n openshift-storage get csv
Example output:
NAME                  DISPLAY                       VERSION   REPLACES              PHASE
odf-operator.v4.9.3   OpenShift Data Foundation     4.9.3     odf-operator.v4.9.2   Succeeded

You can exit by pressing Ctrl+C.

The resource csv is a shortened word for

Please wait until the operator PHASE changes to Succeeded
This will mark that the installation of your operator was successful. Reaching this state can take several minutes.

You will now also see new operator pods in openshift-storage namespace:

oc -n openshift-storage get pods
Example output:
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
noobaa-operator-698746cd47-sp6w9       1/1     Running   0          108s
ocs-metrics-exporter-78bc44687-pg4hk   1/1     Running   0          107s
ocs-operator-6d99bc6787-d7m9d          1/1     Running   0          108s
rook-ceph-operator-59f7fb95d6-sdjd8    1/1     Running   0          108s

Now switch back to your Openshift Web Console for the remainder of the installation for ODF 4.

Select Create Storage Cluster in figure below to get to the ODF configuration screen.

Create storage cluster in openshift-storage namespace
Figure 5. Create storage cluster in openshift-storage namespace

The Create Storage Cluster screen will display.

Configure storage cluster settings
Figure 6. Configure storage cluster settings

You can leave the default selection of Internal, gp2, 2 TiB.

Select nodes for new storage cluster
Figure 7. Select nodes for new storage cluster

Select all the nodes that should host ODF Pods and click on Next.

Configure Security for ODF
Figure 8. Configure Security for ODF

In this screen, check the checkbox at 1.

Then provide a Service name at 2 for your KMS endpoint. This will be used later when creating a Storage Class for encrypting PVs. "vault" is a good default for this, since we are setting up a Vault KMS.

In 3 and 4 supply the address of the Vault cluster. Since we deploy within the cluster, we can use the Service address and the default Vaul Port 8200

In 5 supply the token that you got from the earlier command vault token create -policy=ocs -format json

Then open up the advance settings by clicking on the blue text next to 6.

Configure Advanced Security for ODF
Figure 9. Configure Advanced Security for ODF

Since we don’t use HTTPs for the Vault communication, all we have to do is set the Backend Path to ocs. All other fields can be left as-is.

Review and create new storage cluster
Figure 10. Review and create new storage cluster

Click Create.

You can watch the deployment using the Openshift Web Console by going back to the Openshift Container Storage Operator screen and selecting All instances.

Please wait until all Pods are marked as Running in the CLI or until you see all instances shown below as Ready Status in the Web Console as shown in the following diagram:

OCS instance overview after cluster install is finished
Figure 11. OCS instance overview after cluster install is finished

3.2. Verify encryption keys

Open a remote shell on one of the Vault Pods

oc exec -ti vault-0 -n vault -- sh

Then login as the root, using the Token you got when initializing the Vault cluster

vault login
Example output:
Token (will be hidden):
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                s.t1yycIXXXXXXXX
token_accessor       qLxxdspcAYQoOnQsgquC6PY2
token_duration       ∞
token_renewable      false
token_policies       ["root"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["root"]

List all Keys in the ocs path.

vault kv list ocs
Example output:
If there are no items in ocs yet, make sure that the OSD Pods have been started already.

As you can see some secret keys were generated for your OSDs in the storage cluster. They are stored in the HashiCorp Vault instance.

4. Granular PersistentVolume at-rest encryption

To use PersistentVolume encryption, it is required to setup a new storage class that will be configured to use the external Key Management System we have configured in the previous sectons of this guide.

4.1. Specific storage class

Navigate to the StorageStorage Classes menu.

OCP Storage Classes
Figure 12. OCP Storage Classes

Click Create Storage Class in the top right of the UI.

Enter the details for your new storage class as detailed below.

Encrypted storage class details
Figure 13. Encrypted Storage Class
  1. Specify the name of your storage class

  2. Select the Ceph CSI RBD provisioner

  3. Choose the Ceph pool receiving the PersistentVolumes

  4. Enable encryption for this storage class and chose our existing KMS.

The pool can be the same as the default pool.
CephFS based PV encryption is not yet available.

Click Create in the UI.

4.2. Test application

Create a new project for your test application using the following command:

oc new-project my-rbd-storage
Example output
Now using project "my-rbd-storage" on server "".

You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:

    oc new-app rails-postgresql-example

to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:

    kubectl create deployment hello-node

Create a secret to hold the vault access token specific to this project. Use the following template to create the secret.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ceph-csi-kms-token
  namespace: my-rbd-storage
  token: "{application_vault_token}"

Replace {application_vault_token} with a Vault token. For security purposes you should consider creating different tokens for every namespace. For development purposes you can use the ODF token you created above.

Deploy your application using the dedicated storage class you just created. Use the following command to do so:

cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: pvc-cephrbd1
  namespace: my-rbd-storage
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 500Gi
  storageClassName: encrypted-rbd
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: pvc-cephrbd2
  namespace: my-rbd-storage
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 500Mi
  storageClassName: encrypted-rbd
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: batch2
  namespace: my-rbd-storage
    app: batch2
        app: batch2
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      - name: batch2
        image: amazon/aws-cli:latest
        command: ["sh"]
          - '-c'
          - 'while true; do echo "Creating temporary file"; export mystamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S); dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/file_${mystamp} bs=1M count=1; echo "Copying temporary file"; cp /mnt/file_${mystamp} /tmp/file_${mystamp}; echo "Going to sleep"; sleep 60; echo "Removing temporary file"; rm /mnt/file_${mystamp}; done'
        - name: tmp-store
          mountPath: /tmp
        - name: tmp-file
          mountPath: /mnt
      - name: tmp-store
          claimName: pvc-cephrbd1
          readOnly: false
      - name: tmp-file
          claimName: pvc-cephrbd2
          readOnly: false
Example output
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-cephrbd1 created
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-cephrbd2 created
job.batch/batch2 created

Verify the status of the application and its different components.

oc describe pod
Example output
    Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:  pvc-cephrbd1
    ReadOnly:   false
    Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:  pvc-cephrbd2
    ReadOnly:   false
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  default-token-rghg5
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Node-Selectors:  <none>
Tolerations: op=Exists for 300s
        op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason                  Age    From                     Message
  ----     ------                  ----   ----                     -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling        8m45s  default-scheduler        0/6 nodes are available: 6 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.
  Warning  FailedScheduling        8m45s  default-scheduler        0/6 nodes are available: 6 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.
  Normal   Scheduled               8m42s  default-scheduler        Successfully assigned my-rbd-storage/batch2-n4cqv to
  Normal   SuccessfulAttachVolume  8m43s  attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-f884eadc-9d37-4111-85ea-123c78b646a7"
  Normal   SuccessfulAttachVolume  8m43s  attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-93affaed-40f4-4fba-b907-53fbeefbd03f"
  Normal   AddedInterface          8m24s  multus                   Add eth0 []
  Normal   Pulling                 8m23s  kubelet                  Pulling image "amazon/aws-cli:latest"
  Normal   Pulled                  8m23s  kubelet                  Successfully pulled image "amazon/aws-cli:latest" in 563.111829ms
  Normal   Created                 8m23s  kubelet                  Created container batch2
  Normal   Started                 8m23s  kubelet                  Started container batch2
oc get pvc
Example output
NAME           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS    AGE
pvc-cephrbd1   Bound    pvc-93affaed-40f4-4fba-b907-53fbeefbd03f   500Gi      RWO            encrypted-rbd   9m30s
pvc-cephrbd2   Bound    pvc-f884eadc-9d37-4111-85ea-123c78b646a7   500Mi      RWO            encrypted-rbd   9m30s

You can also verify that the HashiCorp Vault scret engine now contains two PersistentVolume specific keys.

Open a remote shell on one of the Vault Pods

oc exec -ti vault-0 -n vault -- sh

Then login as the root, using the Token you got when initializing the Vault cluster

vault login
Example output:
Token (will be hidden):
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                s.t1yycIXXXXXXXX
token_accessor       qLxxdspcAYQoOnQsgquC6PY2
token_duration       ∞
token_renewable      false
token_policies       ["root"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["root"]

List all Keys in the ocs path.

vault kv list ocs
Example output:
When deleting your application make sure you delete your application pods and PVCs before deleting the secret that contains your access token to the vault. If you fail to do so you will end up with orphans PV keys in your vault.

5. Granular PersistentVolume at-rest encryption without cluster-wide encryption: Kubernetes Auth Method - ServiceAccounts

The following steps will be supported and further integrated with ODF 4.10. Following the below steps on a cluster before 4.10 will most likely result in an unsupported configuration.

Before ODF can use external Vault with service account tokens, we have to configure the authentcation method and Vault roles and policies. Details of the Kubernetes Authentication Method are out of scope for this document but are well explained by Vault Integration Using Kubernetes Authentication Method. In addition, Hashicorp Vault provides tutorials on general integration between Vault and Kubernetes.

This section outlines steps for using an external Vault instance with the following configuration options:

  • Vault instance external the Openshift cluster

  • Openshift ServiceAccount token is used to authenticate with Vault via the Kubernetes Authentication method

  • Vault namespace for reading/writing secrets used for encryption (optional)

  • Secrets engine not enabled under Vault namespace but to a different path (optional)

  • Vault Backend is kv v2 (optional)

  • HTTPS (optional)

  • Vault Certificate Authority verified (optional)

Please gather the following information and verify the following:

  1. Your Vault Address (i.e.

  2. Ensure your Vault instance has access to your cluster api endpoint.

  3. Access to configure Vault auth, policies and secrets engine enablement or via a Vault administrator.

  4. If you are verifying the Vault CA certificate, please have your Vault CA cert (PEM) available as you will need to base64 encode this cert in a secret. Detailed steps below.

5.1. ServiceAccounts, bindings and roles

Setup for using Kubernetes Authentication method must be configured before ODF can authenticate with and start using Vault. The instructions below create and configure ServiceAccounts, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding required to allow ODF default ServiceAccount to authenticate with Vault.

Apply the following to your Openshift cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review
kind: ClusterRole
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["tokenreviews"]
    verbs: ["create", "get", "list"]

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review
    namespace: default
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: default
    namespace: openshift-storage
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa
    namespace: openshift-storage
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa
    namespace: openshift-storage
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review

5.2. Configure/Verify Vault Authentication

As mentioned in the previous step, setup for using Kubernetes Authentication method must be configured before ODF can authenticate with and start using Vault. In addition to the previous step, ensure Vault has the right roles and policies created by apply the steps below.

The steps below assume you have root access to Vault. If you do not have root access to Vault (i.e. Vault is administered by another team) please forward these instructions to your Vault administrator.

Apply the following to your cluster:
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
kind: PodSecurityPolicy
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review-psp
    rule: RunAsAny
    rule: RunAsAny
    rule: RunAsAny
    rule: RunAsAny
    - 'configMap'
    - 'secret'

kind: Role
  namespace: openshift-storage
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review-psp
  - apiGroups: ['policy']
    resources: ['podsecuritypolicies']
    verbs: ['use']
    resourceNames: ['rbd-csi-vault-token-review-psp']

kind: RoleBinding
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review-psp
  namespace: openshift-storage
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review
    namespace: openshift-storage
  kind: Role
  name: rbd-csi-vault-token-review-psp

5.3. Configure/Verify Vault Policies for ODF

The following step requires customization to your exact environment. Please do not apply to your cluster until after making all necessary changes. Details for each configuration option are below.

Apply the following for psp, role, and Vault setup configuration:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: vault
    app: vault-api
    - name: vault-api
      port: 8200
  clusterIP: None
    app: vault
    role: server

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: vault
    app: vault
    role: server
  replicas: 1
      app: vault
      role: server
        app: vault
        role: server
        - name: vault
          imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
            runAsUser: 100
            - name: VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID
              value: sample_root_token (1)
            - name: SKIP_SETCAP
              value: any
                - pidof
                - vault
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            timeoutSeconds: 2
            - containerPort: 8200
              name: vault-api
apiVersion: v1
  - apiVersion: v1
    data: |
        set -x -e

        timeout 300 sh -c 'until vault status; do sleep 5; done'

        # login into vault to retrieve token
        vault login ${VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID}

        # enable kubernetes auth method under specific path:
        vault auth enable -path="/${CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER}" kubernetes

        # write configuration to use your cluster
        vault write auth/${CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER}/config \
          token_reviewer_jwt=@${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH}/token \
          kubernetes_host="${K8S_HOST}" \

        # create policy to use keys related to the cluster
        vault policy write "${CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER}" - << EOS
        path "secret/data/ceph-csi/*" {
          capabilities = ["create", "update", "delete", "read", "list"]

        path "secret/metadata/ceph-csi/*" {
          capabilities = ["read", "delete", "list"]

        path "sys/mounts" {
          capabilities = ["read"]

        # create a role
        vault write "auth/${CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER}/role/${PLUGIN_ROLE}" \
            bound_service_account_names="${SERVICE_ACCOUNTS}" \
            bound_service_account_namespaces="${SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_NAMESPACE}" \
            kubernetes_ca_cert=@${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH}/ca.crt \

        # disable iss validation
        # from: external-secrets/kubernetes-external-secrets#721
        vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
          kubernetes_host="${K8S_HOST}" \
          kubernetes_ca_cert=@${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH}/ca.crt \
    kind: ConfigMap
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: init-scripts
kind: List
metadata: {}

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: vault-init-job
  parallelism: 1
  completions: 1
      name: vault-init-job
      serviceAccount: rbd-csi-vault-token-review
        - name: init-scripts-volume
            name: init-scripts
        - name: vault-init-job
            - mountPath: /init-scripts
              name: init-scripts-volume
            - name: HOME
              value: /tmp
            - name: CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER
              value: kubernetes
            - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH
              value: /var/run/secrets/
            - name: K8S_HOST
              value: https://{your_openshift_APIServer_external_endpoint} (2)
            - name: PLUGIN_ROLE
              value: csi-kubernetes
            - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNTS
              value: rbd-csi-nodeplugin,rbd-csi-provisioner,csi-rbdplugin,csi-rbdplugin-provisioner,rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa,rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa
              value: openshift-storage
            - name: VAULT_ADDR
              value: {your_vault_url} (3)
            - name: VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID
              value: sample_root_token (1)
            - /bin/sh
            - /init-scripts/
          imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
      restartPolicy: Never
1 Replace with a Vault token that allows policy creation. This token is only used during Vault configuration and may be revoked after the job above completes.
2 Replace with your Openshift API server external endpoint. (i.e.
3 Replace with your vault url. (i.e.

Verify the job in the yaml above completed without error:

oc -n openshift-storage get pods | grep vault-init
oc -n openshift-storage logs pods/{POD from previous command}

5.4. Create an Encrypted StorageClass

In order to create a storageclass that uses our external Vault, we must create and configure a configmap named csi-kms-connection-details that will hold all the information needed to establish the connect. Our storageclass needs to contain the field "encryptionKMSID" whose value is used as a lookup into cm/csi-kms-connection-details.

Create the csi-kms-connection-detail configmap by applying the yaml below. If you change "vault-test" to a more meaningful name for your environment please do not forget to also use your new name in the storageclass encryptionKMSID field in your new storageclass.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  vault-test : |- (1)
      "encryptionKMSType": "vault",
      "vaultAddress": "{URL to your vault address, http or https, and port}", (2)
      "vaultAuthPath": "/v1/auth/kubernetes/login",
      "vaultRole": "csi-kubernetes",
      "vaultPassphraseRoot": "/v1/secret",
      "vaultPassphrasePath": "ceph-csi/",
      "vaultCAVerify": "true" (3)
  name: csi-kms-connection-details
1 You may change vault-test to a more meaningful name for your environment. Just remember to use the same value for encryptionKMSID in your StorageClass.
2 Replace with your Vault URL.
3 Change to "false" if your Vault CA should not be verified.

Create a StorageClass that uses the service account for authentication.

allowVolumeExpansion: false
kind: StorageClass
  clusterID: openshift-storage rook-csi-rbd-provisioner openshift-storage ext4 rook-csi-rbd-node openshift-storage rook-csi-rbd-provisioner openshift-storage
  encrypted: "true"
  encryptionKMSID: vault-test (2)

  imageFeatures: layering
  imageFormat: "2"
  pool: ocs-storagecluster-cephblockpool
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
1 Replace with what you would like to call your new storageclass.
2 Make sure this value matches the entry in cm/csi-kms-connection-details you want this storageclass to use. See item 1 in the yaml for cm/csi-kms-connect-details above.

5.5. Create a PVC using this StorageClass

Apply the following to create PVC using your new storageclass that uses the Kubernetes Auth Method with Vault:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: {PVC NAME} (1)
  namespace: {YOUR NAMESPACE} (2)
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
  storageClassName: {NEW STORAGECLASS NAME} (3)
  volumeMode: Filesystem
1 Name your new PVC
2 Replace with your desired namespace
3 Replace with the storageclass name you previously created.

Your PVC should bind within seconds. If your PVC is stuck in Pending review the events and logs for possible reasons. Look for mismatches between namespace, sa and Vault policy and role.

If you need to troubleshoot, try these steps:

oc -n openshift-storage run tmp --rm -i --tty  --serviceaccount=rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa --image ubi8:latest

To start a container with attached SA rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa. Install jq (yum install jq) and run the following to verify the rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa can retrieve a vault client token:

export KUBE_TOKEN=$(cat /var/run/secrets/
export VT=$(curl -s --request POST --data '{"jwt": "'"$KUBE_TOKEN"'", "role": "csi-kubernetes"}' $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/kubernetes/login | jq -r '.auth.client_token')
echo $VT

If the last command above did not return any value, there is a mismatch between the SA and namespace the pod is running as, and how the Vault policy was configured. Double check your configuration for typos.