OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) 4.4 Disconnected Installation - Development Preview
This document is to supplement OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) documentation for installing the OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) service in a air-gap disconnected or proxy environment. Reference official OCP documentation here.
Development Preview releases are meant for customers who are willing to
evaluate new products or releases of products in a early stage of
product development. In this case, OCS 4.4 connected
is GA and
supported, but OCS 4.4 disconnected
is not yet released or supported.
This is a live document to be used in various environments and configurations. If you find any mistakes or missing instructions, please add an Issue or contact Annette Clewett ( and JC Lopez ( via email.
In a disconnected OpenShift environment there is no access to the OLM catalog and the Red Hat image registries. In order to install OCS you need to do 2 things:
Provide catalogs that contain OCS, Local Storage Operator (LSO), and lib-bucket-provisioner CSV (Cluster Service Version).
This can be done using the command
oc adm catalog build
. This command goes over a given catalog (e.g. redhat-operators) and builds an olm catalog image and then pushes it to the mirror registry. -
is currently a dependency for OCS installation, you will need to build a custom catalog image for this Community operator. Future versions of OCS will not need lib-bucket-provisioner.
Mirror all images that are required by OCS to a mirror registry running on a machine that has access to the Internet. Once the mirror registry has been updated, transfer the content of the mirror registry to a registry that can be accessed from your OCP cluster.
This is done using the command
oc adm catalog mirror
. This command goes over the CSVs in the catalog and copies all required images to the mirror registry. -
To work around the missing
in the OCS and lib-bucket-provisioner CSV, you will need to manually mirror required images which are not copied withoc adm catalog mirror
. This is done usingoc image mirror
. -
oc adm catalog mirror
step generates theimageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
file to install in the cluster. This resource tells OCP the external registry mapping for each image in the mirror registry. Add additional mirroring mappings for the missingrelatedImages
for OCS and lib-bucket-provisioner before applying `imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml`in the cluster.
These requirements need to be met before proceeding. 1. An OCP 4.3 or higher disconnected cluster is already installed and a mirror registry exists on a bastion host (see here).
The oc client version 4.4 is installed and logged into the cluster as the cluster-admin role.
Export env vars (fill the correct details for your setup).
export AUTH_FILE="<location_of_auth.json>" export MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS="<registry_host_name>:<port>"
Create your auth file.
The location of the auth.json file generated when you use podman or docker to login to registries using podman. The auth file is located either in your home directory under .docker or /run/user/your_uid/containers/auth.json or /var/run/containers/your_uid/auth.json.
Get your unique redhat registry pull secret and paste it to
Podman login to the mirror registry and store the credentials in
podman login ${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS} --tls-verify=false --authfile ${AUTH_FILE}
You should eventually get something similar to this:
{ "auths": { "": { "auth": "*****************", "email": "" }, "": { "auth": "*****************", "email": "" }, "": { "auth": "*****************", "email": "" }, "": { "auth": "*****************", "email": "" }, "<your_registry>": { "auth": "*****************", } } }
Building and mirroring standard redhat-operator catalog image
Cluster administrators can build a custom Operator catalog image to be
used by Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) and push the image to a
container image registry that supports Docker v2-2. For a OCP cluster on
a restricted network, this registry must have access to, and during the
build and mirroring process (such as the mirror registry created during
the restricted network installation). - Build operators catalog for
The tag of the ose-operator-registry
in the --from
flag should match
the major and minor versions of the OCP cluster (e.g., 4.4). If this is
for an update of the redhat-operators catalog make sure to change the
tag to latest version (e.g., v4.4 → v4.5).
oc adm catalog build --appregistry-org redhat-operators --to=${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS}/olm/redhat-operators:v1 --registry-config=${AUTH_FILE} --filter-by-os="linux/amd64" --insecure
Mirror the redhat-operators catalog
This is a long operation and could take 1-5 hours. It requires 60-70 GB of disk space on the bastion (the mirror machine).oc adm catalog mirror ${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS}/olm/redhat-operators:v1 ${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS} --insecure --registry-config=${AUTH_FILE}
Disable the default OperatorSources by adding disableAllDefaultSources: true to the spec
oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'
Building and mirroring custom catalog image for specific operators (optional)
This method, described
here, is
very useful for creating a custom redhat-operators catalog that only
includes the operators you need to install in your OCP cluster. The
instructions would replace using oc adm catalog build
oc adm catalog mirror
in the previous section.
In the case of installing OCS, this would be the ocs-operator and
local-storage-operator that would go in your offline-operator-list
Example below for entries in this file:
local-storage-operator ocs-operator
OCS version 4.4.0 instructions
For OCS 4.4.0, installing in a disconnected or offline environment is a tech preview feature, hence a few more manual steps needed. Future versions of OCS should not need these additional steps to properly install.
Mirroring missing images
In OCS version 4.4.0 many of the relatedImages
are detailed in the
CSV, ocs-operator.v4.4.0.clusterserviceversion.yaml. Even so you still
need to add a few missing images that are not yet in the OCS 4.4 CSV
section. Below is an example of a mapping file for
OCS-4.4.0 that includes the missing images for OCS 4.4.0.
Save content below to mapping-missing.txt:<your_registry>/openshift4/ose-csi-external-resizer-rhel7<your_registry>/ocs4/ocs-rhel8-operator<your_registry>/noobaa/pause<your_registry>/noobaa/lib-bucket-catalog<your_registry>/ocs4/ocs-must-gather-rhel8
Mirror the images in
oc image mirror -f mapping-missing.txt --insecure --registry-config=${AUTH_FILE}
Validate imageContentSourcePolicy
Afteroc adm catalog mirror
is completed it will create theimageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
file. Check the content of this file for the mirrors mapping shown below. Add any missing entries to the end of theimageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
file.spec: repositoryDigestMirrors: - mirrors: - <your_registry>/ocs4 source: - mirrors: - <your_registry>/rhceph source: - mirrors: - <your_registry>/noobaa source: - mirrors: - <your_registry>/openshift4 source: - mirrors: - <your_registry>/rhscl source:
Apply the
file to the cluster
(the file is generated byoc adm catalog mirror
and thhe output dir is usually./[catalog image name]-manifests
)oc apply -f ./[output dir]/imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
Note: Once the Image Content Source Policy is updated all nodes (master, infra and workers) in the cluster will have to be updated and rebooted. This process is automatically handled through the Machine Config Pool operator and will take at about 15 minutes although the exact elapsed time will vary based on the number of nodes in your OpenShift cluster. You can monitor the update process via the
oc get mcp
command or theoc get node
Creating the CatalogSource for lib-bucket-provisioner
OCS version 4.4 is dependent on lib-bucket-provisioner which is included in the community-operators catalog. If the community-operators catalog is not created, it is necessary to create a custom CatalogSource for the lib-bucket-provisioner.
Create Custom CatalogSource for lib-bucket-provisioner
Create a CatalogSource object that references the catalog image for lib-bucket-provisioner. Save it as the lib-bucket-catalogsource.yaml file:apiVersion: kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: lib-bucket-catalogsource namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: displayName: lib-bucket-provisioner icon: base64data: PHN2ZyBpZD0iTGF5ZXJfMSIgZGF0YS1uYW1lPSJMYXllciAxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAxOTIgMTQ1Ij48ZGVmcz48c3R5bGU+LmNscy0xe2ZpbGw6I2UwMDt9PC9zdHlsZT48L2RlZnM+PHRpdGxlPlJlZEhhdC1Mb2dvLUhhdC1Db2xvcjwvdGl0bGU+PHBhdGggZD0iTTE1Ny43Nyw2Mi42MWExNCwxNCwwLDAsMSwuMzEsMy40MmMwLDE0Ljg4LTE4LjEsMTcuNDYtMzAuNjEsMTcuNDZDNzguODMsODMuNDksNDIuNTMsNTMuMjYsNDIuNTMsNDRhNi40Myw2LjQzLDAsMCwxLC4yMi0xLjk0bC0zLjY2LDkuMDZhMTguNDUsMTguNDUsMCwwLDAtMS41MSw3LjMzYzAsMTguMTEsNDEsNDUuNDgsODcuNzQsNDUuNDgsMjAuNjksMCwzNi40My03Ljc2LDM2LjQzLTIxLjc3LDAtMS4wOCwwLTEuOTQtMS43My0xMC4xM1oiLz48cGF0aCBjbGFzcz0iY2xzLTEiIGQ9Ik0xMjcuNDcsODMuNDljMTIuNTEsMCwzMC42MS0yLjU4LDMwLjYxLTE3LjQ2YTE0LDE0LDAsMCwwLS4zMS0zLjQybC03LjQ1LTMyLjM2Yy0xLjcyLTcuMTItMy4yMy0xMC4zNS0xNS43My0xNi42QzEyNC44OSw4LjY5LDEwMy43Ni41LDk3LjUxLjUsOTEuNjkuNSw5MCw4LDgzLjA2LDhjLTYuNjgsMC0xMS42NC01LjYtMTcuODktNS42LTYsMC05LjkxLDQuMDktMTIuOTMsMTIuNSwwLDAtOC40MSwyMy43Mi05LjQ5LDI3LjE2QTYuNDMsNi40MywwLDAsMCw0Mi41Myw0NGMwLDkuMjIsMzYuMywzOS40NSw4NC45NCwzOS40NU0xNjAsNzIuMDdjMS43Myw4LjE5LDEuNzMsOS4wNSwxLjczLDEwLjEzLDAsMTQtMTUuNzQsMjEuNzctMzYuNDMsMjEuNzdDNzguNTQsMTA0LDM3LjU4LDc2LjYsMzcuNTgsNTguNDlhMTguNDUsMTguNDUsMCwwLDEsMS41MS03LjMzQzIyLjI3LDUyLC41LDU1LC41LDc0LjIyYzAsMzEuNDgsNzQuNTksNzAuMjgsMTMzLjY1LDcwLjI4LDQ1LjI4LDAsNTYuNy0yMC40OCw1Ni43LTM2LjY1LDAtMTIuNzItMTEtMjcuMTYtMzAuODMtMzUuNzgiLz48L3N2Zz4= mediatype: image/svg+xml image: publisher: Red Hat sourceType: grpc
Create the catalogsource:
oc apply -f lib-bucket-catalogsource.yaml
Verify catalogsource and pod are created:
oc get catalogsource,pod -n openshift-marketplace | grep lib-bucket
Creating the CatalogSource for redhat-operators
Create a CatalogSource object that references the catalog image for redhat-operators. Modify the following to use and save it as a redhat-operator-catalogsource.yaml file:
kind: CatalogSource
name: lib-bucket-catalogsource
namespace: openshift-marketplace
displayName: lib-bucket-provisioner
mediatype: image/svg+xml
publisher: Red Hat
sourceType: grpc
Create the catalogsource:
oc apply -f redhat-operator-catalogsource.yaml
Verify catalogsource and pod are created:
oc get catalogsource,pod -n openshift-marketplace | grep redhat-operators
Updating redhat-operator CatalogSource
The update process to build and mirror the redhat-operators catalog image is exactly the same as creating the initial catalog image as detailed above in this article. Make sure to modify the ose-operator-registry tag before doing the build and mirror operation (e.g., v4.4 → v4.5). Best practice is to use the same image tag, v1, for the new redhat-operators image and then restart the redhat-operator pod to get the new image.
oc delete $(oc get pod -n openshift-marketplace -o name | grep redhat-operators) -n openshift-marketplace
Validate new redhat-operator pod is running
oc get pod -n openshift-marketplace | grep redhat-operators
Installing OCS using OperatorHub
OperatorHub in the OCP console UI should now present all of the operators in the redhat-operator catalog as well as the lib-bucket-provisioner operator. You can now install OCS 4.4 using the Deployment Guide.
The lib-bucket-provisioner CSV and Deployment needs to be edited during Installation
Because the CSV, lib-bucket-provisioner.v1.0.0.clusterserviceversion.yaml, does not use a sha for pulling images, will need to be replaced with After the deployment of OCS, edit the lib-bucket-provisioner CSV first with this image@sha. Next, edit the lib-bucket-provisioner deployment and replace with this image@sha if not already correct.