Module 3 - Ceph Block Storage interface#

In this module we will learn how to provision block storage using Ceph. We will create thin-provisioned, resizable RADOS Block Device (RBD) volume, which will be mapped to client-node1 and will be taken into use.


Before proceeding with this module make sure you have completed Module-2 and have a running Ceph cluster.

  • From mgmt node configure client-node1 as Ceph client by installing ceph-common package and changing ownership of /etc/ceph directory.
$ ssh client-node1 -t sudo yum install -y ceph-common
$ ssh client-node1 -t sudo chown -R ceph:ceph /etc/ceph
  • From mgmt node create a block device user named client.rbd with necessary permissions on Ceph Monitor and OSDs
$ ceph auth get-or-create client.rbd mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rwx pool=rbd' -o /etc/ceph/ceph.client.rbd.keyring
  • From mgmt node copy ceph.conf and rbd.keyring file to client-node1
$ scp /etc/ceph/ceph.conf client-node1:/etc/ceph
$ scp /etc/ceph/ceph.client.rbd.keyring client-node1:/etc/ceph
  • From client-node1 verify Ceph cluster is accessible by rbd user
$ ssh client-node1
$ ceph -s --id rbd
  • From client-node1 create RBD block device with name block-disk1 of size 10G
$ rbd create block-disk1 --size 10240 --image-feature layering --id rbd
  • Verify block device that we have just created
$ rbd ls --id rbd
$ rbd info block-disk1 --id rbd
  • Load and verify RBD kernel module
$ sudo modprobe rbd
$ lsmod | grep -i rbd
  • Map block-disk1 on client-node1
$ sudo rbd map block-disk1 --id rbd
  • Verify mapped RBD block device
$ rbd showmapped --id rbd
  • Make a note of mapped device name from the above command output , in most of the cases it is /dev/rbd0. Create xfs filesystem on this Ceph block device.
$ sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/rbd0
$ sudo mount /dev/rbd0 /mnt
$ df -h /mnt
  • Lets run a quick dd write test on this block device to verify its accessiblity.
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/file1 bs=4M oflag=direct count=500 &
  • Meanwhile the dd test is going on, you can watch cluster status using which should report IO operations on Ceph cluster.
$ watch ceph -s --id rbd

This is it, we have reached to end of Module-3. In this module you have learned how to provision and consume Ceph block device. Follow the next module to learn how to use Ceph as Object Storage